IBM Predicts Technology in Five Years

Every year, IBM predicts the top five changes in technology that will significantly impact the world in the next five years. This year, the list includes renewable energy, proliferation of biometric identification to authenticate identity, mind reading machines, widespread mobile access and the end of spam.
IBM's Five in Five:
1. Renewable Energy: In five years, most homes, workplaces and cities will be powered [at least partially] by renewable or recycled kinetic energy that would otherwise go to waste.
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2. Security: Passwords will become obsolete and be replaced with biometric data. "Imagine," IBM said, "you will be able to walk up to an ATM machine to securely withdraw money by simply speaking your name or looking into a tiny sensor that can recognize the unique patterns in the retina of your eye."
3. Mind Reading: Researchers have found ways for controlling devices through mind commands. Within five years, early applications of this technology will help doctors test brain patterns, rehabilitate patients and understand brain disorders. IBM scientists are researching linking brains to devices like computers and smart phones, so people will be able to make a phone call or type out sentences through thought processes. It will also be applied in the gaming and entertainment industry.
4. Mobile: “In five years, the gap between information haves and have nots will cease to exist due to the advent of mobile technology,” says IBM, claiming that 80 percent of the global population will have a mobile device by then. This will allow farmers to check weather reports for fertilizing crops or communicate when a doctor is heading into a remote town, improving healthcare and food supply around the world.
5. Analytics: Junk mail will become priority mail. Spam emails will become personal notes as systems learn how to filter out all irrelevant marketing material and only deliver relevant information to each individual, according to personal preferences. Technology will learn the habits and preferences of each person.
IBM Predicts the Next Five Years in Technology: