iPhone, iPad & iPod Solar Chargers & Green Apps
In one hour, the earth receives more energy from the sun than the entire world uses during the course of a year, disproving the myth that solar energy is an inefficient incubator of power. While technology advances, new tools that advance our everyday lifestyles are emerging.
One company that is taking advantage of the sun’s power is Novothink, a company based out of California. Their mission is to create innovative solar powered chargers for mobile devices that encourage easy, accessible, and green alternatives for living a life more free from the grid.
Novothink’s Surge Products are the first Apple certified solar chargers for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. The charger is smartly designed as it serves as a hard-shell case with solar panels built into the back. Reviews have given the chargers five-stars and the case has been described as a sleek, hybrid solar charger. For the iPhone 3G Surge, only two hours of sun exposure powers up to an hour of talk time and the Surge also features an LED battery-level indicator.
Currently, the Surge for the iPhone 4 is slightly delayed and will not be available until January of 2011, and the new Surge Solar charger for the iPad is currently in the works for a 2011 release date. However, the Surge for the iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS are making a swift impact on the green gadget scene, showing promise for their release of future products. For businessmen and women on the go, this is a practical solution for the lack of outlets, lack of time, and a surplus of daylight.
As iPhone chargers become increasingly green, so does the smart phone, itself. iPhone’s now have Green Minded Smart Phone App’s that are useful for entrepreneurs and for cutting back expenses. New apps, such as Meter Read and Fuel Saver, track excessive spending through monitoring energy use and fuel consumption. This creates an awareness of superfluous actions, and resulting in reduced expenses.
Another App, GreenCard, allows you to create your own digital business card. Eliminating the hassle of designing, printing, and carrying around the standard paper card, that can be tossed or lost. The new green card is easy and ready to send by a simple touch on your phone, making you stand out above the rest crowd in competitive business market.