Top Online Productivity Tools

Regardless of industry, today's business world requires the utilization of digital tools that allow companies to get more done in less time, while reaching more people. Whether it's recruitment, team building, brand building or taking your product to the next level, online productivity tools are key.
Fortunately, there are an increasing number of online resources available to help businesses operate more efficiently. Here are a few of Energy Digital's favorites:
Yast—one of the best time-tracking tools out there. The easy-to-navigate interface makes tracking business activities and even unimportant tasks simple, helping people become more efficient both inside and outside the office.
Bitrix24: The program marries a social intranet system with CRM tools to help manage sales, messaging, activity planning, calendars, etc. It's also free for teams of fewer than 12 people.
Businessfriend: a social media platform designed by business professionals for business professionals. If used as intended, Businessfriend can significantly increase productivity within almost any organization. Most social networks require daily tracking and significant effort to maintain, whereas Businessfriend can be used for most, if not all, of the user's daily communications within his/her company and outside networking—all while allowing the same “social” functions as other outlets and the ability to interconnect posts to them.
Trello: With elements like Pinterest and Basecamp HQ, Trello helps users simplify project management—a free tool for teams of any size.
Sanebox: Defined by its name, “Sanebox” helps users de-clutter their inbox, automatically filtering out newsletters and other low priority emails into a “Read Later” folder. At around $5 a month, many argue that the time saved from not having to sift through hundreds of unimportant emails a month is well worth the fee.
WriteMonkey: Here's one I can relate to... If you're working on a writing project, WriteMonkey is an extremely useful tool to block out the distractions of standard computer interfaces, transforming your desktop into a full-screen writing environment. Customize it as you prefer and get that report done faster!
Read More in Energy Digital's May Issue