Utilities Get Customers Ready for Winter

By John McMalcolm
As winter approaches, many households across the country are becoming concerned about energy costs.
Energy consumption is usually higher during the winter months because heaters are constantly running and people are spending more time indoors. Utility companies are taking various measures to help households save energy and lower their utility bills.
So just how are utility providers getting their customers ready for the coming winter?
Educating Customers about Energy Conservation
Energy conservation is becoming increasingly vital nowadays. Conserving energy does not only help households save on energy costs; it also gives them an opportunity to contribute to the betterment of the environment and build a sustainable future.
In order to encourage their customers to practice energy conservation, utility companies are offering incentives and rebates for a wide range of energy-saving measures. They are also organizing campaigns to raise awareness of the importance of conserving energy.
Offering Energy Saving Tips
There are numerous ways households can reduce their energy consumption during winter.
Utility companies are providing clear instructions on how to save energy through their websites and newsletters to help households cut down on their utility bills.
Some of these tips include:
• Invest in a programmable thermostat.
• Set your thermostat to a lower temperature and dress more warmly.
• Make sure your furnace and heating system are properly maintained.
• Open draperies, blinds and shades during daytime to admit sunlight into your home, which can reduce heating costs.
• Use plastic sheeting to improve the energy-efficiency of windows.
• Refrain from using exhaust fans in the kitchen and bathroom as much as possible, because they can remove heated air from your home.
• Exterior walls, floors, crawl spaces, basement and attic should be properly insulated.
• Inspect caulking, weatherstripping and seals around all doors and windows to ensure that there are no holes and cracks.
• When you are not using the fireplace, close the damper.
•Set the temperature of your water heater to between 115 and 120 degrees.
• Drain sediment from your water heater at least once a year.
• Insulate your hot water pipes.
• Use a low-flow shower head.
• Use energy-efficient appliances.
Using Social Media to Reach Out to Customers
Utility companies are always looking for new ways to communicate more effectively and efficiently with their customers, and many of them have joined the social media world.
They are constantly sharing written content and videos on various social media websites to encourage their customers to reduce energy use in their homes and adopt green lifestyles.
Additionally, some of them are providing emergency broadcast service to notify their customers of emergency situations such as power outages.
With all that wintertime can bring with it, utility companies will be doing all they can not to leave customers out in the cold.
About the Author: John McMalcolm is a freelance writer who writes on a wide range of subjects, from energy efficiency tips to reviews of products such as programmable thermostats and gutter guards.