Energy UK identifies key industry priorities following Brexit trigger
The trade association for Britain’s energy industry, Energy UK, has identified some key industry priorities following the triggering of Article 50:
- Minimise domestic policy uncertainty in order to encourage continued investment.
- Facilitate efficient trading or power and gas over the interconnectors to enhance security of supply, promote competition, and reduce costs by sharing available resources and capacity.
- Ensure access to supply chain products free of tariffs and non-tariff barriers.
- Maintain liquidity in both electricity and gas markets.
- Ensure access to a skilled and mobile labour force.
Lawrence Slade, Chief Executive of Energy UK, added the following expert comment:
“As the Prime Minister… triggers Article 50 and begins the legal process for the UK to leave the EU, we look forward to working in partnership with the Government to help deliver a positive outcome for the UK energy sector and UK consumers.
“Trade with Europe has given the UK access to competitive and diverse sources of energy and thus contributes to our security of supply. It is therefore essential we continue to have a relationship with the European Union that allows the efficient flow of electricity and gas across borders, and benefits UK energy customers.
“A positive outcome to the Brexit negotiations, supported by a long-term, stable framework delivered through the Industrial Strategy, could significantly help the UK to meet climate change targets, but also to deliver a bold and ambitious plan for energy – with more jobs, investment, and environmental benefits, as we transition to a digital, decarbonised future.”