Report advises UK to invest in energy storage for hydrogen generated from renewables
A recent report released by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers advises the UK government to invest more in energy technology in a bid to reduce reliance on imported gas.
The report, titled ‘Energy from gas: taking a why, usually excess power on the electricity grid or in industry, to create gas, usually in the form of hydrogen,” the report read.
“This hydrogen is electrolysed from water and is energy that can be used across all sectors of the energy system, such as electricity, heat, industry, storage and transport, helping to decarbonise.”
“Power to gas provides a conduit for connecting the energy system together, providing fuel from excess power and reducing air pollution and CO2 emissions.”
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However, excess power from wind and solar projects is currently unable to be stored sue to insufficient storage systems in the UK.
“Government and industry need to step up efforts to provide funding programmes and demonstration sites to encourage the greater use of hydrogen as energy storage,” remarked Dr Jenifer Baxter, lead author and Head of Engineering at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.
“The UK has a strong track record of being at the cutting edge of new energy developments, and this could present the country with a chance to be a world leader in power-to-gas and hydrogen technology.”
“We need to move away from our wasteful culture to a more sustainable and circular economy.”
“Power-to-gas and hydrogen technology could and should play a major role in building this future.”