How Ampace’s Innovations are Revolutionising Energy Storage

Visitors at Ampace's exhibition at ees Europe in Munich. Credit: Ampace
Ampace, a leading supplier of lithium batteries, is making waves in the energy storage industry with its cutting-edge lithium-ion technology

A joint venture between CATL and ATL, Ampace’s core focus revolves around the advanced lithium-ion battery business, covering its entire lifecycle. This includes R&D, production, sales and services in three major fields — Energy Storage Systems, Micro Electric Vehicles and Power Batteries.

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At ees Europe in Munich, CTO Dr Qingfeng Yuan and Jason Zhu, President of Ampace's ESS Department, exhibited Ampace’s latest technological advancements, as well as the economic benefits they bring to customers. 

Ampace's innovations poised to transform the global transition to green energy

Speaking with Energy Digital at Ampace’s ees Europe stand, Dr Yuan shares how Ampace leverages the decades of expertise from its parent companies to help drive what he says is innovation in three business fields.

He affirms that safety is the company’s first priority, with reliability, performance and user experience coming thereafter, although he acknowledges that all these objectives are interconnected.

“Our Energy storage products are quite comprehensive,” he says “We can provide cells, modules, packs and all the total solutions. The cell formats are also quite flexible. We cover everything behind the meter, from C&I to residential ESS, UPS, telecom base stations, portable power stations and RV (recreational vehicle) energy storage.”

“We attach great importance to R&D investment, allocating 10% of our total revenue to this area to ensure quality improvement and to cater to safer and more reliable applications.”

Dr Qingfeng Yuan, CTO of Ampace at ees Europe in Munich. Credit: Ampace

As a result, Ampace can better meet the demands of different industries and clients, creating bespoke solutions and tailoring them through every phase of the production cycle.This also means Ampce is well-equipped to overcome major challenges that arise in the energy storage industry.

Qingfeng shares how Ampace is delighted to have experienced zero safety incidents, something that can often come with sudden exponential industry growth.

“With rapid growth, the industry faces challenges in terms of technical and economic aspects,” he details. “These include short lifespans, high failure rates and safety issues due to poor system design or process quality control. 

“Ampace focuses on delivering products with high safety and reliability. To achieve this, research and development efforts are made in design, distribution, testing, verification and other processes like developing our own testing capacity of raw materials, key parts, cells, modules, packs and terminal systems.”

But this cannot be achieved overnight, he notes. This is why Ampace designates ample time to its projects to ensure safety and reliability are not compromised.

He continues: “Safety and reliability need the time to be proved. We apply various and scientific methods to validate products for 10, even 20 years’ reliability.”

This leads into Ampace’s next frontier in terms of technological and business development, which Jason says will see Ampace use AI to enhance its solutions, while also mitigating the challenges posed by the technology itself.

Dr Qingfeng Yuan, Ampace’s CTO and Jason Zhu, President of Ampace's ESS Department

“Ultimately, AI is driven by energy and power supply has become the major challenge for infrastructure like data centres to grow,” he explains. “The only solution is the source-grid-charge-storage integration of power, which turns data centres to assets operated by the electricity grid and provides more resilience.

“Ampace takes initiatives and uses technical innovations in lithium-ion batteries to develop integrated solutions for data centress host operators and cloud computing service providers worldwide, and works with them to develop lithium-ion batteries for AI data centres.”

This also goes hand-in-hand with Ampace’s support of the energy transition.

“Ampace leverages its new energy business to focus on the expectations of clients, society and other stakeholders,” Jason concludes. “We are building a development framework that aligns with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals to support sustainable and rapid growth while contributing to energy independence. 

“At Ampace, we apply a ‘self-generation, self-consumption’ model in renewable energy utilisation, achieving a level of approximately 25%, with an average annual power generation exceeding 30GWh and reducing nearly 300,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions, which equals to planting 2.8 million trees. 

“We actively support the energy transition through technological innovation. Our new UniC series products are underpinned by technological innovation, facilitating the development of a new power system with new energy at its core.”

Disclosure: This article is an advertorial and monetary payment was received from Ampace. It has gone through editorial control and passed the assessment for being informative.


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