FORSEA launches fourth call for offshore technologies
The Funding Ocean Energy through Strategic European Action (FORSEA) programme has send out its fourth call for proposals.
At the Offshore Energy 2017 conference, FORSEA launched its call that aims to help developers of offshore technologies transition into renewable energy spaces by developing new applications for their products.
The programme will grant successful applicants with the ability to test at one of FORSEA’s world-leading test centres.
The €11mn (US$13mn) project aims to move offshore renewable energy technologies onto the market through offering access to their technology centres: EMEC (UK), DEMEC (NL), SEM REV (FR), and SmartBay (IE).
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FORSEA’s latest call extends just technologies and invites applications from technology developers in other offshore sectors, such as oil and gas, and subsea and shipping.
“With this call, we want to provide a bridge to the renewable energy market for technology developers from other sectors,” stated Nicolas Wallet, EU Programme Manager at EMEC.
“The market for offshore renewables such as wave, tidal and offshore wind is developing rapidly, while at the same time other offshore sectors such as oil & gas have hit a rough patch. So, diversifying into offshore renewables makes a lot of sense for those developers.”
The call is open until 29 June 2017.