Behind Raízen, Brazil’s Sugar-Driven Biofuel Powerhouse

Raízen, the world’s largest sugar exporter and cellulosic ethanol producer, is leading the global biofuels revolution environmental stewardship at heart

Raízen steps up to the plate as one of the world’ most innovative and sustainability-centric energy producers, giving a glimpse into what the future of clean energy could look like in Brazil as well as the wider world.

Its CEO Ricardo Mussa is one of the Americas’ leading Energy chiefs, heading up a team of 46,000 professionals dedicated to sustainable solutions for multiple industries.

Raízen’s home country of Brazil is the world's biggest producer of biofuel derived from sugarcane. Raízen itself is the country's largest exporter of sugar and ethanol, and, as of last year, its extensive sugarcane growing operations produced 3.5 billion litres of ethanol and produced 2.9TWh of electricity from biomass-fueled cogeneration facilities.

About Raízen

The Brazilian giant — the third largest Brazilian energy company by revenue and the fifth largest in the country — plays a significant role in the global bioenergy market. This is thanks to its work in serving more than 50 million end consumers each year with 35 billion litres of fuel sold, 11.3 million tons of sugar sold, and 3 billion litres of cane ethanol produced. 

It makes significant investments in the clean energy and sustainability spaces, helping reshape it alongside the growing demand for cleaner fuels while enhancing the value extracted from crops and by-products.

Raízen is the Brazil's largest exporter of sugar and ethanol

In simple terms, this is done through sugar biofuels — a win-win as this boost business profits by meeting the growing demand for clean energy and helping the environment by reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainable farming.

Operating in Argentina and Paraguay as well as Brazil through the distribution of fuels, Raízen works, through advanced technologies, to play a leading role in the energy transition by expanding its portfolio of renewable energy sources. 

Raízen’s strategic digital evolution

To accelerate its strategic digital evolution, Raízen has selected ION’s TriplePoint solution to manage its extensive commodities portfolios of sugar, biofuels, fossil fuels and renewable certificates.

TriplePoint, ION’s Commodity Trading and Risk Management (CTRM) solution has been adopted by the energy producer due to its comprehensive, out-of-the-box, end-to-end capabilities and sophisticated risk engine. TriplePoint is also one of the few solutions in the market that supports agricultural trading, biofuels, fossil fuels and renewable credits within a single system. 

TriplePoint will seamlessly integrate Raízen’s business operations, enabling timely identification and mitigation of operational risks, allowing the company to leverage granular, real-time data insights to make more informed market decisions.  

“As global demand for biofuels continues to rise, we sought a strategic partner with a proven industry capacity to support and accelerate our business growth and fulfil our ambitions to progress into the next phase of our digital transformation,” said Fábio Sant’Anna, Director of Trading Operations at Raízen.

Fábio Sant'Anna, Director of Trading Operations at Raízen

“By working with ION to implement TriplePoint, we can optimise our trading operations and leverage consolidated insights across our key verticals in sugar and ethanol.”


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